The story, in case you haven’t heard it already:
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More Polglase
Also, for those who missed it, you can now watch the October concert on Vimeo (Bach Partita no. 2, and Polglase Five Pieces).
Brahms. Very serious. Or … ?
Here are three calm, reflective pieces (with some turbulence under the surface, because life is never perfect).
Andulko Variations by John Polglase
Over the years, I’ve been privileged to play a number of piano works by John Polglase. This year it’s a shame I can’t do the premiere performance in a live concert. But the silver lining is that instead it’s going out online to an international audience.
John has a style all of his own, and I struggle to describe it in words. So I’ll let the music speak for itself (-: But I will say a few words about how I prepared this performance.
Continue reading “Andulko Variations by John Polglase”